A while back I had the pleasure of chatting to Jade Riley, a writer and photographer, who has since written the following little piece about my practice. Be sure to check out Jade’s other writings on her site.
Thank you Jade.
RDH: MAY 2019
Painting Peer Critique hosted in CCA Derry.
Artist John Robinson with his work on the temporary stage at CCA Derry.
Close up of “The Lost Woods Study”
Been a while since using leaves to print on. Needs more layers but for now it solves the issue of the line… breaks the eye.
So after four months and four days I’ve finally finished a painting and broke my 2019 drought.
Detail of “Rose” - oil and charcoal on canvas.
First time visiting and it was like opening an old wound.
One very creepy window display.
Great Art show: “Goya: Flesh and Blood”
Started “Sack Race” (working title) and stupidly didn’t check material inventory before starting.
Sketching tonight. Past self was clever enough to leave certain works aside for potential events.
Study of an Uncle.
Really happy with how the studio went today.
Completed “The Lost Woods Study”.
Not to rely on gimmick. It has been an invaluable tool - one that I will continue to utilise - but only when the work demands it. If it is forced (like “Woman With the Dogs” and, more recently, “Ruins”) the work stagnates and imagery drowns in an unnecessarily complicated mess.
Should take own advice from time to time about differing paint properties.
In “Sack Race” - the looser the playing field the better. Almost tempted not to touch it at all.
A sort of closure. A temporary full stop.
Ran out of time. Need to keep RD by side.
“I know more. The lack of whats in the current work informs the next.” - Eva Rothschild.
More layers to “The Ferryman”. Because the face of the ferryman is so small it would be easy to fall into the familiar trap of aiming to capture all the detail and likeness of the source image. Focusing instead on light and tone - maybe even a hint of a blur? Like the figure is in the middle of turning to look at the viewer.
Surprise / Confrontation / Acknowledgement
Back and forth with “Sack Race”. Happy with certain elements, like the sky but have consequently fogged up other sections in the process. Eager to not fall into the familiar trap of muddiness and over-painting.
More progress to the sky in “Sack Race”.
Late night sketchbook work.
“The Ivy Crown" progress.
Struggling with “Bereft Clown”. I think it’s too contrived. Another image overlay maybe?
Adding another image automatically forces you to simplify the composition in a way so that just the essentials are left.
Loosening up on “Ruins”. Music really makes a difference in the studio for me.
The imagery may be personal but the doors are left open. Viewers bringing their own experiences / ideas to the work is paramount.
Don’t like the word ‘style’. It’s too certain of itself.
“Sack Race”
Bit better productivity wise.
“Guardian Study”
Sketchbook work tonight.
…has “Bereft Clown” gone the way of the dodo yet again? Is it stifling and holding me back? Even just setting it aside for a week or two could help.
Temporarily removed the shrub in “Ruins”.
Pablo the Monstera
Lynda Benglis doesn’t make work for other people or for specific shows but purely out of curiosity.
“The Boatman”
Attempted some sketchbook work - hit and miss - mostly miss.
Cake tin for the sky disc. I think it’s a good idea to get closer to the colour scheme in my head than what is on the canvas at the moment.
“Quick Call”
Sketchbook work.
In the studio where I’m happiest. Even if it’s not working well it’s about going through the process.
Detail of a weeping willow.
A good bit of experimentation today but heading in the right direction nonetheless.
Corita Kent rules:
Find a place you trust and then try trusting it for a while.
General duties of a student: Pull everything out of your teacher. Pull everything out of your fellow students.
General duties of a teacher: Pull everything out of your students.
Consider everything an experiment.
Be self disciplined. This means finding someone wise or smart and choosing to follow them. To be disciplined is to follow in a good way. To be self disciplined is to follow in a better way.
Nothing is a mistake. There’s no win and no fail. There’s only make.
The only rule is work. If you work it will lead to something. It’s the people who do all of the work all of the time who eventually catch on to things.
Don’t try to create and analyse at the same time. They are different processes.
Be happy whenever you can manage it. Enjoy yourself. It’s lighter than you think.
“We’re breaking all the rules. Even our own rules. And how do we do that? By leaving room for X quantities.” - John Cage.
Helpful hints: Always be around. Come or go to everything. Always go to classes. Read anything you can get your hands on. Look at movies carefully, often. Save everything. It might come in handy later.
There should be new rules next week.
…in my thoughts today.
“If you mix your voice with others’ voices you feel as though you are caught in a hook.
Franz Kafka - “Children on the Road”
So in front of a warm fire and three sleeping dogs, I asked Jan to marry me.
Thankfully she said yes.
A little semblance of normality today: back in the studio.
Less contrast between the sun and sky?
Slowly but surely making progress on the “The Lost Woods Study”.
Detail of “The Lost Woods Study”.
…more work done to “Rose” today.
Detail of “Rose” - work in progress.